About Me

Masud Husain
Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Marketing Strategist
I love to draw, and from a very young age I was drawing mostly for pleasure and building within me a sense of freedom to tap into my creative imagination. In art school I learned to guide my imagination towards marketable ideas as I became familiar with design theory and typography. Ultimately my drawing skills led me to computer-aided design.
From hand drawn typography for brands and logotypes to illustrations for packaging, my design work bears the influence of my illustrative nature. My clients are small businesses and start up companies based in the West Coast. Primarily my work assignments involve designing corporate identity, product brands, front-end web design and product packaging.
My journey in the Arts began at Bard College, New York and culminated in a graphic design degree at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco. I have co-authored five books on Advertising Art, a subject I remain actively involved with as collector and archivist. I have received recognition from GD USA, WADC and International Brand Packaging Awards.